I hope to get around to posting something vaguely more detailed about StAnza 2011 on here at some point soon... once the tiredness has worn off, which will probably occur some time around the middle of next week. In the meantime let's just say that I had an amazing, amazing time.
I left Newcastle at 6.25 in the morning on Saturday (so I had to get up at 5.40 (!)) didn't get to sleep till around 2 the following morning and then travelled back down on Sunday afternoon to family life, work and slamming. (Btw I'm very pleased to say I made it to the semi-final of the Lamplight Poetry Slam in Stanley yesterday... hold on... ST ANdrews, STANley... I wonder where I could go next to complete a STAN-based hat-trick of towns.)
Anyway, back to StAnza - Here's a list of the events I managed to get along to during the 29 hours I was in St Andrews.
Poetry Cafe for Breakfast: History
In Conversation: James McGonigal
Five O'Clock Verses: Durs Grunbein, Helena Nelson
Poetry Centre Stage: Selima Hill, Philip Gross
StAnza Slam: MC Bob Holman
Poetry Cafe for Breakfast: Translation
Border Crossings: Emily Ballou, Katrina Naomi
What else? Oh yeah. The New Writing North Showcase with Sophie F. Baker, Stevie Ronnie, Anna Woodford and me!
Massive thanks are due to Claire Malcolm at New Writing North for thinking of me as a last minute replacement when one of the original poets had to drop out for the NWN showcase. Nothing like being in the right place at the right time. Also huge thanks and appreciation to everyone at StAnza for making us all feel so welcome and for putting on an amazing show.